PROPOSAL 10: Support strong holders and node runners through HOPR hardware device free distribution

[This proposal comes from @svd. You can read and discuss the original proposal here:

To support this proposal, please sign it by clicking the heart (like) button below this post you’re reading now]


Actual data:

  • We have some xDAI and HORP for Dao v0.2.
  • We have Hopr hardware node (actual price ~500USD).
  • We have HODLER NFT.
  • We have Hopr Stacking.

My proposal is to support strong holders and node runners. We must buy Hopr hardware node by our Dao v0.2 xDAI and give it for free.
If my proposal wins, we will have $170000 / 100% * 40% = $68000.
It will be at minimum 135 Hopr hardware devices for old supporters.


We populirise Hope hardware device.
We create many additional nodes. More node runners we will have, the stabil will be our Hopr network.
We support strong holders and node runners.


We will create web form, where all hopr token holders (with HODLER NFT) can register itself with his wallet address.
After then we select TOP “N” (or smaller/bigger) ordered first by HODLER NFT (Diamond - 10%, Gold - 7.5%, Silver - 5%, Bronze - 2.5%) and, after then, by Hopr token count in Hopr stacking.
First “N” will receive Hopr hardware node for free!
And don’t worry, I think whales are not interested in node running and they will not fill this form.


If my proposal wins, we will have $170000 / 100% * 40% = $68000.
It will be at minimum 135 Hopr hardware devices for old supporters.
More money - more devices :)