DAI PROPOSAL: Incentivized creativity contest after HOPR mainnet network launch (building on top of HOPR)

It worked, great :slight_smile:

Ah great. Iā€™m still marking this as incomplete, even with the addendum, although itā€™s close to being valid.

In the procedure section, Iā€™d like a bit more clarity on WHO is setting the various parameters. I appreciate that itā€™s important to remain flexible, so I think itā€™s fine to have things like ā€œan amount of X submissionsā€, as long as itā€™s clear who is setting X.

Your updates have mostly clarified this, but your second point with the submission window is still undefined.

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I included another update!
And no worries, iterations only increase quality! :-)

Sorry for chiming in a little late. Most Hackathons (ETH Global, Gitcoin, etc), are indeed mostly thematic but thereā€™s frequently enough something suitable for HOPR. Also note that apart from the prize money, most hackathons have a fee for sponsors who pay the prizes. Depending on how much youā€™re willing to pay, you might even entirely define the theme of the hackathon. So with a sufficient budget we could most certainly do a ā€œprivacy hackā€ or alike on either of the bigger hackathons. For a smaller budget we might be able to team up with fellow projects and still get there jointly. I donā€™t have exact numbers at hand but Iā€™m sure whatever we end up with something cool can be made happen!

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Thanks for the updates, @Jones_05. Iā€™ve now tagged this proposal as valid and added it to the official list here: http://forum.staging.hoprnet.org/t/proposal-2-incentivized-creativity-contest-after-hopr-mainnet-network-launch-building-on-top-of-hopr/

Anyone who supports this proposal, please follow the link there and click the heart (like) button to sign it.

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Hi Sebastian, no problem! :-)

Okay, so to put it in a nutshell, I guess it is fair to say that right now it is not possible to define a 100% sharp scenario due to internal (composition of the DAO results) and external (see your answer) factors.

However, this feels perfectly acceptable, since ā€œthe DAI vote will be considered advisory and non-bindingā€, anyways.

I guess the interpretation of a positive DAO vote concerning my proposal could be translated as follows ā†’ incentivize creative and free building on top of HOPR - no matter if in the context of an external event alongside thematically specified tasks, in the context of a dedicated event etc ā€¦

Thank you very much for the amazing approval and support guys! :slight_smile:
Please make sure to also support the official version posted here:

Have a nice weekend! :-)

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Good job mate! Amazing to see the proposal has been approved :slight_smile:

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This is a good proposal. Anything to increase marketing is a very solid idea and I support it.

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Thank you very much guys for the positive feedback! :-)
I am 100% convinced that these kind of initiatives will catalyze an awareness boost for HOPR after the mainnet network launch has happened and thus support the ecosystem growth mid- to longterm!
So, please make sure to support the proposal with your vote also in phase 2 and 3 of the DAO! :-)

41 likes, this is amazing, thank you very much guys!
I would now kindly ask you to also vote for the official proposal, so that we can maintain the chance of incentivized creativity on top of HOPR in the future :-)

Guys, I want to stress it one more time ā†’ your vote (your like) in here does not count! You have to revote for the official proposal version!

More Gamification !

Even four more votes in here since I posted this, thanks guys! :slight_smile:
But I have to stress it once more ā†’ you have to REVOTE FOR THE OFFICIAL PROPOSAL, the votes in here do not count. Currently there is a difference of roughly 30 votes between this thread and the official proposal (see link). So please make sure to place your vote also there!

Only ~ 12 hours left!

And again more votes in here. But one last reminder guys ā†’ you have to vote for the official proposal in the category ā€˜DAI Proposalsā€™.
Only 4 hours to go!

I love the idea but feel an SDK would need compiling or a properly documented API. Not sure how long it would take to produce these.

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Sure! But I guess this will be available at the 1.0 mainnet network launch!

Guys only ~40 minutes left!
Please make sure to also vote for the official proposal, so that it can be moved forward to the next stage!
ā†’ see the link at the beginning of the proposal!

We made it to the last and final phase of the DAO!
Thank you very much everybody for that tremendous support!