2 steps: fill 13l, transfer to 6, 7ls are left
- Filling the 13L jug with water
- Transferring water from the 13L jug to another
- Emptying the 6L jug
It seems there’s a mistake in your task…
3 steps ------------------
2 step ar necasery
1: filling the 13 L
2: transfer to the 6L
6 steps…
Lets redo this
3 Steps:
1- Full fill the 13L jug
2- Transfer 6 L water from 13L jug to 6L jug
3- Empty the 6L jug
7L water will remain in 13L jug
4 steps: fill the bottle and then fill another bottle help to the big one
3 steps are required
Awh just few second slower
1 step … fill the large tank with 7 liters only
2 steps are required
Nah. Fair is fair. I screwed up. Originally was planning for a gruesome three jug problem here, but chickened out at the last minute and temporarily forgot how numbers work
Of course 2 steps :)))))
Before realizing the answer and posting it I got cognitive dissonance for like 10 seconds
only 2 steps is needed
2 steps is needed for this
haha, its okay ! you are giving us pretty challenging problems, its just one. :D
I think so you are right because in their rules said " * Emptying a jug" so it if it is not emptying it means 6 litre is in one jug and 7 litre is another jug