Unscheduled HOP: Merch!

Thanks for all the enthusiastic interest! Matthew, who created the forum and you probably know from Telegram, is taking a well-earned break after the hectic launch, but once he’s back next week we’ll have a form set up so people can fill in their delivery details securely.


A want it, I am all-in. Nice Badge :slight_smile:

It turned out that we are moving to north country. Would be proud to wear a @Hopr hat :)

Hi everyone. Thanks for your patience here! We’ve been working on the logistics for sending things out. In the next few days you’ll be receiving a link via forum message to a form to submit your delivery details. If you’re still interested in receiving some Jungfrau swag (HOPR hat, patches, stickers), then fill in that form and we’ll send it out to you.

There’s going to be another form for merch as part of the Easter promotion. There’s no need to fill out both!

Unfortunately, the shipping company here in Switzerland needs quite a lot of personal identifying information, so please only fill in the form if you’re happy for that information to be passed on. We take privacy very seriously at HOPR, and we won’t use your information for anything other than sending out merch, but obviously we can’t give similar guarantees for the shipping company.