Proposal: Adding HOPR to Figment Learn platform

Hi everyone :raised_hands: :smiley:

I propose to spend some part of the funds to add HOPR to Figment Learn platform

In order to create a better world we have to focus on skill development. We need a community with improved problem-solving skills. Let`s spend our funds in this direction.

We can create easy-to-learn tutorials for HOPR using Figment Platform. It would be very useful for current and new members to learn the Hopr via this platform.

We can get in touch with Figment Team and read about the Figment Learning via this link

Here is the Procedure to add Hopr to Figment Learn Platform.

Some projects spent $25 000 - $50 000 there for incentivized programs for creating tutorials and learning. Both the current Hopr community members and new members can earn from these funds learning about HOPR and creating new tutorials for HOPR.

Best wishes, :smiley:


Thanks for the proposal and your support, @hoprel. I’ve marked it as incomplete for now. Although you do address some of the criteria listed here, some parts of this feel very precise while others are very vague.

I would suggest that you either use the criteria (and maybe the template) in that linked post to expand on your first two points, or you edit this proposal to only include the Figment Learn part, which seems much more actionable.


FINAL BUT “VERY IMPORTANT” THOUGHTS (MHO :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:)

2.I like Hopr DAO governance model. We have to try to make it more effective and competitive. Maybe we have to spend our funds for building a better and easy-to-use governance platform.

2.I think that Hopr Hunt is very precious idea. In future we can develop this further and make it a problem-solving hub for Hopr DAO.

I will try to develop these two proposal in the future if I can.

We are a small DAO now but if we can build an effective one then we will have a big impact.

Finally, I appreciate the Hopr Team for their hard work. You are doing great things. ;)

@hoprel great suggestion. do you know how does a project get included in this platform? do they have to pay any fee to the platform? or do you just sign up and then have to contribute a dollar amount for incentivized programs


I myself participated in Figment Learn Pathways. I have created smart contracts on some Web 3 blockchains and received rewards in tokens of that blockchains.

As for adding the Hopr to Figment Learn procedure I will edit my proposal adding the link to the procedure.


Thanks @hoprel. I’ve tagged this post as valid now. You can see it in the official proposal list here:

Anyone who would like to support this proposal, please visit that link and sign the proposal by clicking the heart (like) button.

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I like this proposal very much, because it can lead to a healthy growth of members. However, I would not only promote HOPR on this platform, but also consider other projects that help onboarding - like Rabbithole (


Perfect. I also support your idea. Rabbithole is a great place. These proposals are win-win options for our Community mho. Experienced members will earn by creating tutorials, other members and new ones will earn from the same fund by learning about Hopr.

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Will figment give HOPR the traction it needs ? Will it really be effective ? Sounds expensive to me.

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Thanks for questions. Let`s assume the DAO spend $50 000 to Figment Learn Program. There will be two kind of grants: One for those who will create Hopr tutorials (normally other projects reward $500 for creating tutorials), and other one for those who will complete these tutorials and learn about Hopr (these rewards are between $5 to $100). I personally participated in Figment Learn and earned tokens. It is very useful. It teaches how to use projects, how to create a smart contract etc. The fund will be earned back by the Community and maybe increase Hopr community members also. Figment Learn is an excellent place to learn web3. It will be useful to interact with and use the support of other web3 platforms and projects. MHO.


Thank you @hoprel it’s a very interesting idea - and exactly what we from HOPR are hoping for. DAO should not only exist to vote on yes/no questions, it should embrace the community in both ways and listen to the token holder of the project who are most interested in making HOPR grow. By asking and actively involving more motivated people, we believe that there are more and better ideas out there, than the ones we already had - just like your idea. This makes us one big team, and very strong, thanx to you, thanx to our community!


Totally agree with you. Thanks for support @rikzrh :raised_hands: :smiley:

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Now you explained I think its a good idea and I will definitely be trying out Figment but can Figment bring the desired traction to HOPR? Maybe we could that and an Ambassador program.

If you mean by traction increasing Hopr price, I actually didnt think about the price when I proposed my idea. I just thought that what might be a win-win proposal for the Community. I see that my proposal requires some involvement, so I dont insist that this is the best solution. There are very good proposals which I support them also. :raised_hands:

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This why we have a DAO :grin:

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Great proposal, thank you @hoprel

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