Transaction costs for farming, cleim and the creation of contracts

The ether network is currently very expensive in terms of transaction costs.
Imagine if someone wants to buy Hopr for $ 100 or $ 200, he has to pay a commission of 20, 30, 40% of the amount. I propose to spend one-time money to transfer tokens to another network (for example, BSC), but then for a year or two, do not worry about commission costs. And if someone wants to leave the project, then let him return to the original network.

If you have 100$, you can buy Hopr at the SPOT exchange with small comission.

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It’s about pharming and permanent branding or contract creation. You misunderstood. I have probably stated a little inaccurately.

Oh, ok. I understand you now. You propose to fully recreate token in another network. I think it’s a very good idea.

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you can like it. I put it up for you. Thank you.

Please like it if the topic is clear. :heart_eyes:

@svd Please like it if the topic is clear.

Transaction costs for farming, cleim and the creation of contracts

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